Школа иностранных языков в Нижнем Новгороде
by PF "English Language Company"

Обучающие материалы — контент

English for Biomedical Scientists

Мнение эксперта:

Книга предназначена для специалистов в медико-биологической сфере, хотя многие её разделы могут оказаться интересными и для других учёных, так как много материала посвящено общенаучным вопросам (например, написание научных трудов и выступления на научных конференциях на английском языке). Акцент в книге смещён с лексики как таковой на принципы построения научной речи. Также в книге есть раздел о грамматике. Авторы книги – испанцы, но работа написана под руководством англоговорящего специалиста. В ряде случаев это может быть расценено как достоинство книги, так как авторы, для которых английский не родной, зачастую лучше чувствуют его сложности и обращают на них больше внимания.

Официальное описание:

Biomedical scientists wishing to improve their capacity to communicate effectively in scientific English can find a great abundance of texts on the topic, from standard textbooks on English grammar to more practical manuals on scientific writing. Why then, you may wonder, would anyone want to write yet another book about scientific English? The quick answer is that our book is the first one to be aimed at a different group of readers. Other books on scientific English are written exclusively by and for native English speakers. Even the books that have added occasional chapters or appendixes for the benefit of international readers take for granted that their readership’s mother tongue is English. The reality is that this is not the case for virtually all international biomedical scientists working in non-English-speaking countries. Even so, they still need to communicate in scientific English on many occasions. Nor is it the case for a very significant percentage of biomedical scientists at early stages in their career training and working at leading universities and research centers in English-speaking countries. Our book is directed at all those international scientists who, in addition to developing their scientific skills, have to face the additional challenge of communicating and being competitive in a language that is not their own. Our book shares with you more than ten years of first-hand experience in various areas associated with the use of English for biomedical scientists.


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