Школа иностранных языков в Нижнем Новгороде
by PF "English Language Company"

Обучающие материалы — контент

Check In

Мнение эксперта:

Книга представляет собой сборник лексических и грамматических упражнений, актуальных для сотрудников отелей и гостиниц, и может быть полезен для людей с уровнем языка от Elementary до Intermediate. Сборник может использоваться в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу, так как удобен для повторения и закрепления пройденного материала.

Официальное описание:

Check in is part of a two book course written for hotel and reception trainees and employees. The book is designed to help learners to improve their command of English for use within hotels where the guests are tourists from various countries who use English as a means of communication.
The book features a self-access approach, allowing students who may not have time to attend classes to work on their own. There’s an introduction for teachers detailing ways of using the book in a classroom and ten units covering language presentation and comprehension work, listening for understanding, listening and responding, and writing exercises using letters, faxes, and taking orders. The material is a series of realistic contexts set in a wide variety of countries with realistic recording material exposing students to the accents of different nationalities. The book also features a language syllabus based broadly on specifications of the International Certificate Conference’s English for the Hotel and Catering industry syllabus. Finally, there is an answer key to the exercises together with tape transcripts and a separate grammar summary at the back of the book.
Check in сovers the likely situations that front reception staff have to deal with, including bookings by telephone, telex, or fax, checking in and out, room service, complaints, etc.


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